Director: Andy Perkins
[Twitter: @AndyPerkins1970]
Andy has over 20 years’ experience in the health and social care sector and is an expert in the evaluation of health and social care services. As Director of Figure 8 Consultancy, Andy has project managed over 80 contracts since 2007 for a range of clients including health, social care and criminal justice providers (ranging in value from £3K to £237K and timescales from one month to four years). He has been responsible for a diverse range of research and evaluation projects including needs assessments, scoping exercises, process evaluations, and feasibility studies. Andy is one of the authors of the 2010 Scottish Government report “Research for Recovery: A Review of the Drugs Evidence Base”[1]. Andy is an experienced interviewer and is used to seeking the views of a broad range of stakeholders from civil servants, to senior managers within Local Authorities, to service providers, to service users. As a practitioner, Andy spent 10 years managing residential and in-prison treatment programmes; including residential services for men, women and children, and in-prison services for young offenders. He was Programme Manager for a 72-bed unit in HMYOI Portland, which was run as a dedicated Therapeutic Community programme – the only one of its kind for Young Offenders in Europe. He is also an experienced Charity Trustee having spent a total of 11 years as a Trustee of two different charities. Andy is currently Secretary of the New Directions in the Study of Alcohol Group and also sits on the board of the Perth Addition Support Group charity.
[1] Best, D., Rome, A., Hanning, K., White, W., Gossop, M., Taylor, A., Perkins, A. (2010) Research for Recovery: A review of the drugs evidence base. Scottish Government. Available at: